Group: Biceps
Category: strength
Type: isolation
Level: beginner
Equipment: machine
Main muscle:
Описание упражнения

- Sit down on the Preacher Curl Machine and select the weight.
- Place the back of your upper arms (your triceps) on the preacher pad provided and grab the handles using an underhand grip (palms facing up). Tip: Make sure that when you place the arms on the pad you keep the elbows in. This will be your starting position.
- Now lift the handles as you exhale and you contract the biceps. At the top of the position make sure that you hold the contraction for a second. Tip: Only the forearms should move. The upper arms should remain stationary and on the pad at all times.
- Lower the handles slowly back to the starting position as you inhale.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Variations: You can use free weights (barbells and dumbbells) to perform this exercise on a preacher bench. Alternatively, you can use the pulley machine as well in conjunction with a preacher bench.