Group: Chest
Category: strength
Type: basic
Level: beginner
Equipment: barbell
Main muscle:
Other muscles:
shoulders, triceps, lats
Описание упражнения
- Lie on a flat bench while holding a barbell using a palms down grip that is about 15 inches apart.
- Place the bar on your upper thighs, extend your arms and lock them while keeping a slight bend on the elbows. This will be your starting position.
- Now raise the weight using a semicircular motion and keeping your arms straight as you inhale. Continue the same movement until the bar is on the other side above your head . (Tip: the bar will travel approximately 180-degrees). At this point your arms should be parallel to the floor with the palms of your hands facing the ceiling.
- Now return the barbell to the starting position by reversing the motion as you exhale.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Variations: You can use dumbbells also to perform this exercise.