Bulldozer Training 4 Day Workout Split

Type: Split
Level: Intermediate
Days per week: 4 days
Sex: Male & Female
Several years ago I began to play around with rest-pause training. I would load up the bar, knock out a set, and rest for only a very short period of time before performing another set. It didn't take long for me to realize one thing...rest-pause style training was both brutal and effective. I was spending less time in the gym training but waking up with an incredible amount of DOMS (muscle soreness). Limiting rest between sets was also making my workouts far more engaging. I had no time to stop and think. Every workout felt like warfare. I would crush it, rest for a short period of time (never fully recovering), and get after it again.

Day 1

Chest and Triceps

Day 2

Back, Biceps and Abs

Barbell deadlift

Sets: 5 Reps: 5

Bent over barbell row

Sets: 5 Reps: 8


Sets: 5 Reps: 10

Barbell curl

Sets: 5 Reps: 8

Preacher curl

Sets: 5 Reps: 10

Cable crunch

Sets: 5 Reps: 15

Day 3 - rest day

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Day 4

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Barbell shoulder press

Sets: 5 Reps: 8

Arnold dumbbell press

Sets: 5 Reps: 10

Barbell shrug

Sets: 5 Reps: 10

Cable wrist curl

Sets: 5 Reps: 10

Day 5

Quads, Hamstrings, Calves and Abs

Barbell squat

Sets: 4 Reps: 6

Leg press

Sets: 5 Reps: 12

Lying leg curls

Sets: 5-7 Reps: 10

Seated calf raise

Sets: 5-7 Reps: 15


Sets: 5 Reps: 20

Day 6 - rest day

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No exercises

Day 7 - rest day

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