Days per week:
3 days
Male & Female

Relatively easy program to understand. It nicely illustrates the importance of making systematic progression to drive gains and increase the core lifts. I highly suggest people read the Training Primer I've prepared as you will understand all of training so much better afterward.
Day 1
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Barbell squat
Sets: 5x5

Barbell bench press - medium grip
Sets: 5x5

Bent over barbell row
Sets: 5x5

Hyperextensions (back extensions)
Sets: 2x5

Sets: 2x5
Day 2 - rest day
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No exercises
Day 3
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Day 4 - rest day
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No exercises
Day 5
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Barbell squat
Sets: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8

Barbell bench press - medium grip
Sets: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8

Bent over barbell row
Sets: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8

Dips - triceps version
Sets: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8

Barbell curl
Sets: 3x5-8

Triceps pushdown
Sets: 3x5-8
Day 6 - rest day
Description is empty
No exercises
day 7 - rest day
Description is empty
No exercises