HIML-4 Muscle Building Workout (week 3)

Type: Split
Level: Advanced
Days per week: 4 days
Sex: Male & Female

During week 3 you will be working with a slightly higher rep range and moderately heavy weight. Rest about 2-3 minutes between most sets. Do not train to failure. Stop each set when you feel like you may fail on the next rep. When you can perform 12 reps on a given set, add weight the next time you perform that exercise.

Day 1

Chest, Biceps and Abs

Dumbbell bench press

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Incline dumbbell press

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Dumbbell flyes

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Barbell bench press - medium grip

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Close-grip ez bar curl

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Barbell curl

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Zottman curl

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Cable crunch

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 30


Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 30

Day 2

Quads, Hamstrings and Calves

Barbell squat

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Leg press

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Leg extensions

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Barbell lunge

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Romanian deadlift

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Lying leg curls

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Dumbbell rear lunge

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Calf press on the leg press machine

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Seated calf raise

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Day 3 - rest day

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No exercises

Day 4

Shoulders, Triceps and Abs

Dumbbell shoulder press

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Upright barbell row

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Side lateral raise

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Seated bent-over rear delt raise

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Standing dumbbell triceps extension

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Cable rope overhead triceps extension

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Cable crunch

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 60


Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 60

Day 5

Back, Traps and Forearms

Bent over barbell row

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12


Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

One-arm dumbbell row

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Wide-grip lat pulldown

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Barbell shrug

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Barbell shrug behind the back

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Reverse barbell preacher curls

Sets: 3 Rep Goal: 10-12

Day 6 - rest day

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No exercises

Day 7 - rest day

Description is empty

No exercises