New Body: Quick Start Workout Guide

Type: Split
Level: Beginner
Days per week: 4 days
Sex: Male & Female
2014 is upon us and, like millions of others, you have made some resolutions: spend smarter, kick old habits and commit to a new training and diet plan to add some muscle and strip some fat. New Year new you, right? • Unlike those said millions you will succeed. You will execute a sound plan and reap those glorious results that many only dream of. With an effective workout and diet plan in place you will carry out what you promised yourself. • Since it is a new year let’s wipe the slate clean and start from scratch. Let’s (for now) throw out all of the cutesy stuff that isolates this and targets that and get back to the good ole fundamentals that put together such physiques as those admired from the 1960s and 70s bodybuilding era - real, raw muscle without the fluff. • Let’s start over and build our foundation of muscle and strength into something substantial. Let 2014 be the year of you, just bigger, stronger and leaner. Make no mistake; it will take genuine effort, dedication and a will to succeed, but that is where this 2014 Quick Start Training and Diet Guide comes in. • Within this plan you will have everything you need to make 2014 the start of a brand new physique. This plan takes out the guessing game when it comes to sets, reps, rest, meals, calories and everything in between. It is designed to add muscle while stripping away unwanted body fat.

Day 1

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Day 2

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Romanian deadlift

Sets: 3x8-12

Barbell squat

Sets: 3x8-12

Barbell lunge

Sets: 3x10

Dumbbell bicep curl

Sets: 3x8-12


Sets: 3x15-20

Day 3 - rest day

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No exercises

Day 4

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Day 5

Day 6 - rest day

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No exercises

Day 7 - rest day

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No exercises