This is an arm specialization workout for those of you who are tired of having puny guns, and want to try a more aggressive plan of attack. I suggest a training schedule something like this:
- Day 1 - Back, Traps and Forearms
- Day 2 - Chest and Arm Workout A
- Day 3 - Off
- Day 4 - Legs
- Day 5 - Shoulders and Arm Workout B
- Day 6 - Off
- Day 7 - Off
Arm Workout A
Arm workout A will target both the biceps and triceps with 3 different exercises as follows:
- Rep Work - 3 sets x 10 reps using a potent arm builder. 2 minutes of rest between sets.
- Pump Sets - 4 sets x 8 reps. 30 seconds of rest between sets.
- Machine Drop Set - 3 sets x 10 reps. On the third set perform a drop set. After you hit 10 reps, drop to the next lowest weight on the stack and knock out as many reps as possible. Continue dropping the weight by a small amount and knocking out reps until you can no longer continue.
Arm Workout B
Arm workout B will target both the biceps and triceps with 3 different exercises as follows:
- Cable Slow Negative Work - 3 sets x 10 reps using a cable set up. Take 3-4 seconds to return the weight to its starting point after each rep. This is called a slow negative. 2 minutes of rest between sets.
- Giant Sets - 4 different exercises, 8 reps per exercise.
- 50 Rep Death Set - Using a weight you can perform about 12-15 reps per set with, perform a total of 50 reps using as many sets as needed. Once you can no longer perform reps on a set, rest very briefly, and then try to knock out more reps.
Make sure to eat plenty of food when using this specialization workout, and add weight when you can.
Workout A
Biceps & Triceps
Sets:3 Reps:10
Sets:3 Reps:10
Sets:4 Reps:8
Sets:3 Reps:10 Last set, drop set
Sets:3 Reps:10
Workout B
Biceps & Triceps
Sets:3 Reps:10
Sets:3 Reps:10
Sets:1 Reps:8
Sets:1 Reps:8
Sets:1 Reps:8
Sets:1 Reps:8
Sets:1 Reps:8
Sets:1 Reps:8
Sets:1 Reps:8
Sets:1 Reps:8
Sets:1 Reps:50
Sets:1 Reps:50